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Flynn school and community centre – a history of success

Over the past 40 years, Flynn residents have safeguarded their school and community centre and the unique heritage values of the building and grounds for the future benefit of the community. Some key achievements are:

Secured a national memorial to John Flynn
A national memorial to Rev John Flynn and the Flying Doctors was installed at the site and dedicated with a gala ceremony and line-up of dignatories (1978-1980). The community later rallied to have the memorial restored after it was illegally removed by the ACT Government for several months in 2007 (May to August 2007).
Saved schools from closure
The first ACT Government attempts to close the school were defeated (1991). A significant reason for the community’s success was that Flynn had nothing other than the school, which doubled as the suburb’s community centre.
Built the Community Resource Centre
A wing was rebuilt as a Community Resource Centre after a fire and illegal demolition of the concrete structure. The new wing was designed by architect Enrico Taglietti (1994-1996).
Saved Flynn Preschool
The Flynn Preschool was saved from closure (2006). Sadly, the primary school did not share in this success, despite overwhelming Flynn community support
Saved the building and grounds
The buildings and grounds were saved from ACT Government efforts to demolish all or part of the buildings and install  medium-density housing or government offices (several times: 2007,  2009 and 2010). A plan to damage the Flynn buildings as part of a police special operations training exercise was also averted (2007).
Developed a community-use proposal
Then TaMS Minister John Hargreaves worked with the community to develop an innovative proposal for future use as a multi-use community hub, including early learning centre (childcare), school and Community Resources Centre (2007). The proposal was supported by the ACT Legislative Assembly (2009) and the ACT Government has now committed to negotiating its implementation (2012-13).
Heritage values recognised
The heritage values of the Flynn school and community centre precinct were presented to the ACT Government as a heritage nomination (2007). The heritage values of the place are now recognised by the National Trust (2007), the ACT Government (2009), ACT Government consultants (2010), and the Australian Institute of Architects (2012), amongst others.


Images from Flynn

Angles on the textured concrete walls


Flynn grounds

Landscape setting & grounds

Enrico Taglietti visting the school he designed

History and design

Memorial to John Flynn

Memorial to John Flynn